2023 - A Year in Review!
We are thrilled to share a few of the highlights from 2023 that we were able to accomplish because of the support of people like you! Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to making a noticeable impact on our communities...
Highlights from 2023:
Provided a free one-week overnight camp experience for 18 foster children.
Provided a “missions trip“ experience for 60 adults to serve foster children
Provided 24 hours of training to churches and child-serving agencies
Lead 18 people to a relationship with Jesus
Met 168 requests by a local crisis pregnancy center & child welfare professionals
Served 316 foster children with tangible needs
Made an economic impact of $140,941
55 people committed to praying for the needs of families in our community
Added three new churches to the network (with three others awaiting training)
Gave Christmas gift cards to 78 foster children (equaling $5850)
126 requests were met to prevent the removal of children
600 diapers and wipes were distributed
33 beds, including bunks and cribs, were provided
3 new churches were added to our network

These numbers do not include other items needed to bring stability to foster children and those who care for them, such as bedding, high chairs, car seats, clothing, medical supplies, storage bins, window AC units, groceries, dressers, kitchenware, couches, and more!
At the click of a button, agencies submit vetted needs of at-risk, vulnerable families, foster families, relative caregivers, and biological parents who are on the verge of losing their children.
OneFamily provides the training and ongoing regional support for both the agencies that submit the needs and the churches that respond to them.
Together, we have helped bring much-needed tangible items to families, provided prayer, invited families to our churches, supported case managers, and shown our communities that the Church IS essential and that Jesus Christ is still the answer!
If you are already a monthly partner, your financial investment has helped us do these things as unto the Lord, as we are mandated to care for orphans in their time of need, as it states in James 1: 27. THANK YOU is an understatement!
The needs are great, and OneFamily intends to do more for foster children in 2024! Would you consider helping us reach our goal of increasing our budget by $2000 per month? If you are able to increase your monthly gift, we would appreciate it. If you know someone who would be interested in partnering with us, would you please share this with them? We are looking for individuals, churches, and businesses to invest in 2024!
May the Lord richly bless you as you continue to pray and give for God‘s kingdom work to be fulfilled.
With sincere gratitude,
Stephen and Sandra Hogue
Coffee with a Heart
Did you know that Hao Bao Bao Coffee has generously pledged to donate $2 for every bag of their "OneFamily Blend" coffee sold through their website? The offer is valid for both 1lb and half-pound bags.
Furthermore, if you choose to purchase a 5lb bag, they will donate $10 per bag, making it a great option for churches that wish to offer it during their Sunday morning coffee service. As an added bonus, when you purchase two 1lb bags, Hao Bao Bao Coffee will not only offer free shipping but also donate $4 to OneFamily!
Don't miss out on this opportunity to help the mission of OneFamily to train the local community to raise up and support families, children, and sibling groups. Order your coffee today at https://haobaobaocoffee.com/products/onefamily-blend

June 30 - July 5
Volusia, Flagler, & Putnam Counties
Royal Family Kids Camp