Promise Serves
A huge part of our mission at OneFamily is to train local churches to become foster care support networks through Promise Serves. We train in three categories: Family Advocates, Volunteers, and Ministry Leaders. Each member is equipped with the knowledge, resources, and tools to confidently become a part of the solution for the foster care community. Discover how you and your local church can get involved in the mission and vision of OneFamily through Promise Serves!
What is Promise Serves?
At Promise686 and through nonprofit partners across the country, Promise Serves equips churches to implement Family Advocacy Ministries (FAMs) with the goal of caring for vulnerable children. The FAM model, like many other ministries, requires relationship management, admin, and volunteer coordination. Promise Serves is designed to handle the custom needs this ministry requires, minimizing the burden that many times come along with serving.
"Best Match" Volunteers for Greater Community Impact
By caring for nearby families in need, your volunteers are better able to build relationships with those they’re serving and are more likely to serve consistently and effectively.
See how Promise Serves intelligently “Best Matches” the most fitting volunteers to families in need based on location and interests. Learn more.
Prevent Volunteer Burnout by Lessening the Admin Burden
Ready to see your volunteers flourish? For better or worse, people are more likely to give their best if they’re enjoying their experience within the ministry. By reducing the amount of admin work your volunteers undertake you can increase the longevity of their service.
See how Promise Serves reduces the complexity of administrative tasks and helps the ministry leader (the Advocate) turn multi-hour tasks into seconds of work–freeing them up to grow and support their Family Advocacy Ministry. Learn more.
Simplify Processes and More Effectively Serve
By simplifying the logistics that come along with outreach ministries, your FAM will be able to more effectively and efficiently serve vulnerable children and families. Promise Serves provides functions like:
An integrated calendar specifically created for FAMs
Digital response cards to reduce data entry
Multi-church campus support
See how Promise Serves goes beyond the traditional RMS / CRM model to lessen the time-consuming logistics, creating the most ideal service opportunity. Learn more.
Why Should Your Church Use Promise Serves?
There is an awakening among churches to become involved in foster care. This is clearly a welcome move of the Holy Spirit. But this is not a social problem that can be resolved by simply recruiting foster parents and pointing them to the agencies that desperately seek them. Professional foster care agencies have caseworkers who are inundated by the flood of new cases. Their reporting and monitoring functions are critical to maintaining professional and legal requirements, but what is often omitted is the emotional and caring support that struggling foster families need to be successful.
The Promise Serves Network is a unique training and mobilization model for local church ministry that is based on a biblical theology of service, and is supported by the latest empirical research. Our research suggests that successful foster placements can be significantly increased with the application of this model.

Ministry Leader
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Ministry Leaders are the lifeblood of raising up "Champion Churches" within the OneFamily movement. Within the OneFamily Training, a Ministry Leader is usually a staff member in the church who serves as the leader of Family Advocates and Volunteers. Ministry Leaders are trained to oversee the resources needed to be supplied to families as well as to provide support and encouragement to those giving their time and those who are a part of the foster community. In our training, we usually have one trained Ministry Leader per church.

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When it comes to equipping local churches to become foster care support systems, volunteers are essential to ensuring foster families are taken care of. Volunteers are the hands-on help that foster families need. From ensuring a foster family has a proper crib for a child to cooking meals for those in need, volunteers provide in-need families with hands-on assistance and resources. One Family aims to raise up at least 15 volunteers per church.

Family Advocate
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Important members of the OneFamily mission are our Family Advocates. Family Advocates are members of the church who volunteer their time to be a bridge between foster families and the church's resources. Family Advocates help coordinate the needs of the foster community to ensure those who need help are receiving the proper care and assistance. One Family aims to train 1 to 2 Family Advocates per church.

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